Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Louisville, KY 40206
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beargrass Baptist Church | 502-893-5653 | 2300 Payne St | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Church of Christ Birchwood Avenu | 502-896-9531 | 2853 Cleveland Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Clifton Baptist Church | 502-897-1771 | 1947 Frankfort Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Clifton Christian Church | 502-896-0302 | 131 Vernon Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Clifton Heights Baptist Church | 502-895-7257 | 2917 Cleveland Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Clifton Heights Christian Churc | 502-895-1367 | 622 N Hite Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Covenant Community Church Pcusa | 502-893-8616 | 1741 Frankfort Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Crescent Hill Baptist Church | 502-896-4425 | 2800 Frankfort Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Crescent Hill Presbyterian Ch | 502-893-5381 | 142 Crescent Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Crescent Hill United Methodist Churc | 502-896-0396 | 201 S Peterson Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Frankfort Avenue Church of Christ | 502-897-2140 | 1901 Frankfort Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Franklin Street Baptist Church | 502-584-3661 | 938 Franklin St | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Grace Immanuel United Church of Chris | 502-587-6190 | 1612 Story Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Mt Nebo Baptist Church | 502-897-6333 | 2707 Fleming Ave | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
Redeemer Baptist Church | 502-899-9205 | 2801 Cleveland Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40206 |
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