Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Louisville, KY 40207
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beargrass Christian Church | 502-896-1161 | 4100 Shelbyville Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Beechwood Baptist Church | 502-895-3439 | 201 Biltmore Rd Frnt | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Bethel St Paul United Church of Chris | 502-895-9437 | 4004 Shelbyville Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Breckenridge Chapel | 502-895-0106 | 239 Breckenridge Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Broadway Baptist Church | 502-895-2459 | 4000 Brownsboro Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Calvin Academy of Music | 502-896-0303 | 2501 Rudy Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Christ Church Preschool | 502-897-3657 | 4614 Brownsboro Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Christian Science Churches | 502-895-7225 | 4125 Shelbyville Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Harvey Browne Memorial Presbyterian Ch | 502-895-2577 | 311 Browns Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Sisters of St Benedict | 502-721-8222 | 904 Windhurst Ct | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
St Matthew's Episcopal Church | 502-895-3485 | 330 N Hubbards Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
St Matthews Baptist Church | 502-896-8882 | 3515 Grandview Ave | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
St Matthews Baptist Church | 502-897-0079 | 3700 Nanz Ave | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
St Matthews United Methodist Churc | 502-897-6449 | 319 Browns Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Westport Rd Church of Christ | 502-896-6595 | 4500 Westport Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
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