Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Louisville, KY 40210
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brighter Day Missionary Baptist Church | 502-776-5700 | 948 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Canaan Community Development Cor | 502-776-6369 | 2203 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Centennial Olivet Baptist Church | 502-587-6213 | 1541 W Oak St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Chief Shepherd Baptist Church | 502-776-8414 | 2219 Wilson Ave | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Church of the Living God Temple 30 | 502-635-2222 | 1414 Algonquin Pkwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church | 502-774-2113 | 1831 Bolling Ave | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Dixie Hwy House of Prayer | 502-774-1141 | 1042 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Eighteenth Street Baptist Church | 502-778-3016 | 2001 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Evangel West | 502-772-5384 | 1100 S 26th St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Facts of Faith Fellowship Mini | 502-217-0001 | 727 S 15th St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Faithful Missionary Baptist Church | 502-776-2251 | 1456 S 22nd St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 502-778-7120 | 2325 Osage Ave | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Greater First Timothy Baptist Church | 502-776-6462 | 1520 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Greater Free Born Baptist Church | 502-582-2669 | 1048 S 15th St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Greater New Victory Deliverance | 502-775-0523 | 2330 Algonquin Pkwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Greater St James Ame Church | 502-778-6107 | 2100 W Oak St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
In Jesus Name Spirit Filled Christia | 502-634-1111 | 1701 Dumesnil St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church | 502-584-8984 | 1620 Anderson St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Lampkins Chapel Cme Church | 502-775-6591 | 2738 Algonquin Pkwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Lively Stone Church of Jesus Ch the Ap | 502-772-2148 | 1714 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Mercy Seat Missionary Baptist Church | 502-634-3552 | 1213 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Mount Sinai Gospel Church | 502-774-1795 | 2303 Wilson Ave | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Mt Carmel Baptist Church | 502-634-3911 | 1212 S 10th St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Mt Horeb Baptist Church | 502-582-3908 | 1701 Gallagher St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 502-772-0653 | 1472 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Nehemiah Missionary Baptist Church | 502-778-1400 | 2207 W Ormsby Ave | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 502-775-5683 | 1026 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
New Horizon Full Gospel Church | 502-775-5783 | 2202 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Pure in Heart Baptist Church | 502-589-2285 | 1639 W Kentucky St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Sanction House Missionary Chur | 502-634-5420 | 1322 S 17th St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Southern Baptist Church | 502-587-6333 | 1519 W Saint Catherine St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Southern Star Baptist Church | 502-776-2889 | 2304 Algonquin Pkwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Southern Star Community Outreach | 502-775-8198 | 2308 Algonquin Pkwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
St George's Episcopal Church | 502-776-2030 | 1201 S 26th St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
St Stephens Baptist Church | 502-562-9246 | 1532 W Kentucky St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Stoner Memorial Ame Zion Church | 502-585-3062 | 1127 W Oak St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Sweetleaf Primitive Baptist Church | 502-776-2822 | 1254 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Union Missionary Baptist Church | 502-634-0088 | 1614 W Ormsby Ave | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Youngs Chapel A M E Church | 502-587-0087 | 1039 S 16th St | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
Zion Star Baptist Church | 502-637-9922 | 1750 W Ormsby Ave | Louisville | KY | 40210 |
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