Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Louisville, KY 40216
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church | 502-448-4070 | 3315 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Blevins George Pastor | 502-447-0639 | 4201 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Briargate Presbyterian Church | 502-447-1824 | 2100 Upper Hunters Trce | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Chapel Park Baptist Church | 502-772-2554 | 2600 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Christian Life Ctr | 502-367-9155 | 1599 Sadie Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Cloverleaf Baptist Church | 502-367-0218 | 4401 Manslick Rd | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Cloverleaf Baptist Church Fellowsh | 502-367-0268 | 4433 Manslick Rd | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Dover Chapel General Baptist Church | 502-447-7500 | 4323 Dover Rd | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Energized Baptist Church | 502-634-8222 | 3107 7th Street Rd | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Faith Chapel General Baptist Church | 502-447-2135 | 4720 Dover Rd | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
First Cumberland Presbyterian Ch | 502-368-4709 | 4610 Manslick Rd | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Friendship Separate Baptist Church | 502-447-9821 | 5000 Wellsworth Ave | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Greater First Peter Missionary Bapt | 502-448-1767 | 2001 Auburn Dr | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Herald Johnson Memorial General Baptist | 502-447-6975 | 2511 Marguerite Dr | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Highland Park Missionary Bapt | 502-447-0055 | 3700 Shanks Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Hillview Baptist Church | 502-447-4455 | 5319 Dixie Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Lampkins Chapel Cme Church | 502-448-8454 | 4005 Dover Ct | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Lee's Lane Baptist Church | 502-447-6696 | 3309 Lees Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Lighthouse Independent Baptist Church | 502-447-7400 | 3609 Lees Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Love Fellowship Missionary | 502-447-9198 | 3330 Smith Rd | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Lyons Missionary Baptist Church | 502-368-4065 | 904 Gagel Ave | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Ormsby Heights Baptist Church | 502-447-6867 | 2120 Lower Hunters Trce | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Parkview United Methodist Churc | 502-447-7322 | 2020 Garrs Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Ralph Avenue Baptist Church | 502-447-2061 | 2900 Ralph Ave | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Ralph Avenue Church of Christ | 502-447-0047 | 2501 Ralph Ave | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Riverside Baptist Church | 502-449-0093 | 4317 Lees Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Rockford Lane Baptist Church | 502-447-2591 | 2006 Rockford Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Shively Christian Church | 502-447-3041 | 1817 Kendall Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Shively Church of Christ | 502-447-3693 | 1916 Rockford Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Shively Heights Baptist Church | 502-447-9544 | 3516 Schaffner Dr | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church | 502-447-9341 | 2304 Crums Ln | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
St Stephen United Church of Chris | 502-448-2544 | 1875 Farnsley Rd | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
The Word Church | 502-447-1187 | 4314 Cane Run Rd | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
Zoe Christian Fellowship Cent | 502-449-4992 | 4009 Cane Run Rd Ste B | Louisville | KY | 40216 |
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