Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Day Care in Louisville, KY 40203
* Each listing below of Day Care Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
4 C Community Coordinated Chi | 502-595-4323 | 908 W Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Children's Choice Learning Center | 502-585-9856 | 204 E Jacob St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Christ Outreach Ministries Chur | 502-540-5748 | 839 S Jackson St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Community Coordinated Child Care 4 C | 502-589-7251 | 960 S 3rd St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Downtown Child Care Inc | 502-588-2002 | 911 S Brook St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
El Shaddai Christian Child Care | 502-634-5444 | 1230 S 3rd St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Granny's Angels Childcare | 502-587-0370 | 1710 Bank St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Granny's Angels Childcare | 502-562-0010 | 1517 Magazine St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Lil Genius Child Care Center | 502-583-2282 | 1121 W Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Louisville Central Community Cer F | 502-583-8822 | 1300 W Muhammad Ali Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Mini Versity Child Development Cen | 502-583-7352 | 306 S Roy Wilkins Ave | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Presbyterian Child Development Cen | 502-583-8914 | 600 Lampton St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Southside Christian Child Care | 502-583-3903 | 817 S 2nd St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Ymca of Greater Louisville | 502-587-7405 | 930 W Chestnut St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
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