Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Day Care in Louisville, KY 40211
* Each listing below of Day Care Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bobbie's Bee-Z Babies | 502-776-4941 | 623 S 26th St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Bobbie's Bee-Z Babies | 502-778-0406 | 608 S 41st St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Community Care Center | 502-775-1500 | 1321 Cecil Ave | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Family Value Childcare | 502-772-9085 | 2516 W Madison St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Future Leaders Child Development | 502-778-1645 | 2331 W Madison St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Kids Kradle Child Development Cen | 502-772-1234 | 3632 W Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Lil Angels Enrichment Center | 502-776-4700 | 3719 W Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Lil' Angels Childcare Developme Cente | 502-776-4768 | 687 S 38th St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Lil' Kings & Queens Developmentingd | 502-775-6858 | 3216 Dumesnil St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Lil' Kings & Queens Developmentingd | 502-778-2740 | 3218 Dumesnil St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Lil' Kings & Queens Developmentingd | 502-774-2070 | 1240 S 28th St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Marchman Learning Center Inc The | 502-778-5511 | 3133 W Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Mini Versity Early Childhood Learn | 502-778-2613 | 631 S 28th St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Mother's Friend | 502-776-2342 | 3800 River Park Dr | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Ross C | 502-775-1415 | 800 S 42nd St | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Southside Christian Child Care | 502-776-6633 | 3149 Commerce Center Pl | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Trinity House Childcare | 502-778-2565 | 844 Dearborn Ave | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Unique' Child Care | 502-775-5117 | 3130 Vermont Ave | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Unseld Child Care & Development Cen | 502-776-5822 | 2406 W Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
Visions & Dreams | 502-778-9488 | 3845 Cane Run Rd | Louisville | KY | 40211 |
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