Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Louisville, KY 40217
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Audubon Dental Health Center | 502-636-0311 | 1430 Poplar Level Rd | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Audubon Park Dental Care | 502-637-2628 | 1534 Poplar Level Rd | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Bennett Beth A Dmd | 502-634-9005 | 1039 E Burnett Ave | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Fischer John B Dmd | 502-634-1606 | 822 Eastern Pkwy | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Klein Harold F Dr Dntst | 502-456-6980 | 1169 Eastern Pkwy Ste 423 | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Lanning Melissa R Dmd | 502-637-7255 | 782 Eastern Pkwy | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Marks Epstein Logan Pape & Harris P | 502-452-9555 | 1169 Eastern Pkwy Ste 2265 | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Marshall Darryl J Dr Dntst | 502-635-5004 | 1500 Poplar Level Rd Ste 3 | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Myers Allan L Dr Dntst | 502-637-6161 | 2404 S Preston St | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Ramey L Gene Jr Dmd | 502-459-9400 | 1169 Eastern Pkwy Ste 2353 | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
Shackleton Nancy F Ms Dmd | 502-637-2900 | 3019 Preston Hwy | Louisville | KY | 40217 |
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