Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Government Offices in Louisville, KY 40202
* Each listing below of Government Offices Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chase | 502-566-8151 | 6000 Crestwood Station Sh | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Jefferson County Law Library | 502-574-5943 | 514 W Liberty St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Jefferson County of | 502-574-5469 | 531 Court Pl | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Jefferson County of | 502-574-6520 | 400 E Gray St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Jefferson County of | 502-368-5404 | 11311 Mitchell Hill Rd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Jefferson County of | 502-574-5700 | 527 W Jefferson St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Jefferson County of | 502-574-6336 | 600 W Jefferson St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Jefferson County of | 502-574-3800 | 719 W Jefferson St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Jefferson County of | 502-574-5088 | 514 W Liberty St Ste 106 | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Jefferson County Public Schools | 502-485-8330 | 8620 Preston High | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville City of | 502-574-3900 | 601 W Jefferson St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville City of | 502-574-3565 | 609 W Jefferson St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville City of | 502-574-3321 | 617 W Jefferson St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-1365 | 2000 Arts Program | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-3697 | 517 Court Pl | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-5400 | 531 Court Pl Ste 604 | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-2087 | 316 E Chestnut St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-568-6972 | 712 E Muhammad Ali Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-3109 | Logan Garage St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-2355 | 129 River Rd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-935-6024 | 6900 Riverport Driver | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-2613 | 400 S 1st St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-2400 | 224 S 2nd St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-3535 | 437 S 3rd St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-3817 | 517 S 4th St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-3051 | 444 S 5th St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-2167 | 400 S 6th St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-589-8727 | 200 S 7th St Ste 120 | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-452-2671 | Suburban | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-935-2619 | 6650 Sylvania Rd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-2414 | Urban | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-6177 | 720 W Jefferson St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-5085 | 816 W Market St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-8300 | 315 W Muhammad Ali Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Louisville Jefferson County Metro | 502-574-3397 | 8345 4th St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Minor Lane Heights City of | 502-574-5471 | Fiscal Court Buildin | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Sheriff of Jefferson County | 502-574-5063 | Hall of Justice | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
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