Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Louisville, KY 40213
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Associated Builders Contractors | 502-456-5200 | 1810 Taylor Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Cooper Construction Inc | 502-485-1223 | 4641 Illinois Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Dallenbach Builders | 502-451-6577 | 1850 Taylor Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Diversified Commercial Construction | 502-361-4159 | 4635 Knopp Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Faulkner Construction Llc | 502-456-1943 | 4623 Illinois Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
James Joe Construction Co Inc | 502-454-0891 | 4601 Illinois Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Leong Enterprises Inc | 502-364-7611 | 4531 Knopp Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Lewis Concrete Construction in | 502-964-2536 | 1330 Tile Factory Ln | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Martin Construction Co | 502-375-3701 | 1205 Durrett Ln | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Northcutt Builders Inc | 502-368-5259 | 1212 Wolfe Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Steilberg Henry A Inc Contr | 502-459-2660 | 1438 Selinda Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
Tectonics Inc | 502-454-7004 | 1850 Taylor Ave Ste 2 | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
United Construction & Design Group | 502-451-3388 | 4637 Illinois Ave | Louisville | KY | 40213 |
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