Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Louisville, KY 40207
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams Elizabeth Rl Est | 502-897-1200 | 6006 Brownsboro Park Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Andres Rita Rl Est | 502-897-1414 | 950 Breckenridge Ln Ste 195 | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Boland Elizabeth Rl Est | 502-899-9922 | 155 Thierman Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Brookside Properties Inc | 502-893-9077 | 900 Milford Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Brown Conti Co | 502-895-3339 | 3936 Dutchmans Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Butler Mike Rl Est | 502-896-2595 | 4012 Dupont Cir Ste 203 | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Cherokee Realty Co | 502-897-7161 | 3920 Willis Ave | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Duerr Lumber & Realtors | 502-895-4011 | 4169 Westport Rd Ste 125 | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Duncan Commercial Real Estate | 502-292-5464 | 3408 Frankfort Ave | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Dyson Gene Rl Est | 502-899-7999 | 4012 Dupont Cir Ste 302 | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Eline Realty Co | 502-895-6300 | 111 S Hubbards Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
English Appraisal Services | 502-339-1353 | 6013 Brownsboro Park Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
First American Real Estate Inc | 502-897-6060 | 4012 Dupont Cir | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Hayes Jane Signature Realtors | 502-894-8280 | 166 Thierman Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Help-U-Save Inc | 502-896-6848 | 232 Breckenridge Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Karageorge Rhonda Rl Est | 502-897-3310 | 4010 Dupont Cir Ste 700 | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Land Inc | 502-896-1313 | 200 Breckenridge Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Priest S G Realtors | 502-893-1627 | 150 Breckenridge Ln | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Prudential Parks & Weisberg Realto | 502-896-1234 | 4898 Brownsboro Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Re Max Connections | 502-899-7560 | 118 Bauer Ave | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Real Estate 2000 | 502-897-7999 | 4012 Dupont Cir Ste 210 | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Realty Plus | 502-895-8877 | 4012 Dupont Cir Ste 204 | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Scholtz Jan Rl Est | 502-897-5300 | 126 S Sherrin Ave | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Schulten Company Realtors | 502-893-0100 | 47 Arrowhead Rd | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
Sentry Realty | 502-895-0100 | 817 Samoa Way | Louisville | KY | 40207 |
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