Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Louisville, KY 40222
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aaron Byrne | 502-894-8000 | 8401 Shelbyville Rd | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Aubrey Jim Rl Est | 502-425-0225 | 6511 Glenridge Park Pl | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Century 21 Realty Group Hagen | 502-454-9100 | 2400 Lime Kiln Ln Ste E | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Commercial Property Associates | 502-423-1663 | 7400 S Park Pl Ste 3 | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Evergreen Realty Co | 502-426-2200 | 7506 New Lagrange Rd | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Harry K Moore Co Colliers | 502-426-1300 | 7316 New Lagrange Rd | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Jones Helen Rl Est | 502-426-4577 | 215 S Hurstbourne Pkwy Ste 213 | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Mattingly Ford Psc Commercial Real | 502-515-0900 | 101 Bullitt Ln Ste 202 | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Prudential Parks & Weisberg Realto | 502-458-1988 | 2000 Warrington Way Ste 105 | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Thornhill Rentals | 502-426-3026 | 8018 Vine Crest Ave | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
Wolf Joe Realtors | 502-394-0241 | 6351 Limewood Cir | Louisville | KY | 40222 |
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