Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Louisville, KY 40223
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anderson S J Rl Est | 502-425-8883 | 110 Daventry Ln | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Atrium Center Ofc Bldg | 502-426-4800 | 10400 Linn Station Rd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Bob & Fran Realtors | 502-429-3995 | 10525 Timberwood Cir Ste 100 | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Bradley Real Estate | 502-394-0409 | 9930 Linn Station Rd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Century 21 Realty Group Hagan | 502-426-3600 | 9943 Forest Green Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Era Kepple Keene Realtors | 502-339-8200 | 9630 Ormsby Station Rd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Falvey Commercial Properties | 502-371-1122 | 12004 Lagrange Rd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Farhadi Jason | 502-245-5112 | 13149 Middletown Industria | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Faulkner Fred D Real Est | 502-891-8200 | 9625 Ormsby Station Rd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Hatton Company Realtors | 502-425-8500 | 108 Daventry Ln Ste 102 | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Jim Pierce Realtor | 502-425-6000 | 10525 Timberwood Cir | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Judah Real Estate Group | 502-253-5464 | 513 Dorsey Ln | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
M & M Investment Properties Llc | 502-429-6843 | 10537 Timberwood Cir | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Owl Creek Lodge | 502-244-2550 | 10607 Hobbs Station Rd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Prudential Parks and Weisberg Realto | 502-254-3212 | 10242 Shelbyville Rd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Rick Shaw Realtors | 502-245-0525 | 10222 Shelbyville Rd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
Smith Carl R and Company Inc | 502-423-1000 | 10001 Linn Station Rd | Louisville | KY | 40223 |
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