Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Louisville, KY 40202
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross | 502-624-2163 | 1131 5th Ave | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
American Red Cross | 270-765-4979 | 423 W Dixie Ave | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Boys' and Girls' Clubs the Salvn Army | 502-625-1170 | 216 W Chestnut St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Brain Injury Association of | 502-582-2266 | 425 S 2nd St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Center for Accessible Living | 502-589-6620 | 305 W Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Community Living Inc | 502-585-5272 | 333 Guthrie St Ste 308 | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Community Resource Network | 502-589-6211 | 334 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Epilepsy Foundation of Kentuckiana | 502-584-8817 | 501 E Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Familiy & Chidren First New Parent Supp | 502-584-8505 | 560 S 4th St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Golden Arrow The | 502-589-3537 | 644 S Shelby St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Goodwill Industries of Kentucky | 502-243-0169 | 6438 W Highway 146 | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Healing Place The | 502-584-6606 | 1020 W Market St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Ronald McDonald House | 502-581-1416 | 550 S 1st St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Schuhmann Social Service Center | 502-589-6696 | 730 E Gray St | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
Seven Counties Services Inc | 502-589-4313 | 101 W Muhammad Ali Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
St John Center | 502-568-6758 | 700 E Muhammad Ali Blvd | Louisville | KY | 40202 |
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