Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Louisville, KY 40203
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Louisville KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Buckhorn Children's Foundation | 502-568-1761 | 1115 Garvin Pl | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Carrigan The | 502-635-5588 | 1207 S 2nd St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Christian Social Ministries | 502-589-3454 | 1111 S 3rd St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Citizen Advocacy Program | 502-584-1239 | 1146 S 3rd St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Dismas Charities | 502-634-3608 | 124 W Oak St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Dismas Charities Inc | 502-584-3733 | 1501 Lytle St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
House of Ruth Inc | 502-587-0722 | 607 E Saint Catherine St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Kentuckiana Interfaith Community | 502-587-6265 | 1113 S 4th St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Metro United Way | 502-633-4484 | 403 S 8th St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
New Beginning for Women A | 502-634-4252 | 1261 S Brook St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Plymouth Community Renewal Center | 502-583-7889 | 1626 W Chestnut St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Salvation Army The | 502-625-1170 | 831 S Brook St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
St Vincent Depaul Society | 502-584-2480 | 1015 S Preston St Rear | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Urban League of Louisville | 502-585-4622 | 1535 W Broadway | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Volunteers of America of Kentucky Inc | 502-582-0904 | 1131 S 1st St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
Wellspring | 502-584-2870 | 120 W College St | Louisville | KY | 40203 |
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