Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Independence, KY 41051
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Independence KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beechgrove Bapt Church | 859-282-8816 | 450 Independence Station | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Berean Bapt Church | 859-356-0486 | 11833 Wilson Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Community Bible Church | 859-356-9835 | 1540 Shaw Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Crisp Ronald J Pastor | 859-356-8135 | 11691 Madison Pike | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Faith Comunty United Meth Church | 859-282-8889 | 4310 Richardson Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Freewill Bapt Church | 859-356-9051 | Madison Pike & Fowle | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Hickory Grove Bapt Church | 859-356-3162 | 11969 Taylor Mill Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
New Banklick Bapt Church | 859-356-5538 | 10719 Banklick Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
New Hope Tabernacle | 859-363-1404 | 1404 Walton Nichlsn Park | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Nicholson Christian Church | 859-356-7770 | 1970 Walton Nicholson Pik | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Oak Island Bapt Church | 859-356-6062 | 3445 Moffett Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Piner Bapt Church | 859-356-3222 | 15044 Madsn Park | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Staffordsburg United Meth Church | 859-356-0029 | 11815 Staffordsburg Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
True Vine Praise & Worship Fellows | 859-356-8979 | 691 Persimmon Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Wilmington Bapt Church | 859-356-1393 | 15472 Madsn Park | Independence | KY | 41051 |
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