Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Grocery Stores in Covington, KY 41015
* Each listing below of Grocery Stores Information for Covington KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ameristop Food Marts | 859-292-0789 | 4802 Taylor Mill Rd | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Blue Pantry | 859-292-8856 | 5063 Sandman Dr | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Bob's Food Shop | 859-431-4034 | 3005 Madison Ave | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Frank's Family Mkt | 859-261-6222 | 301 W 34th St | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Grocery Bag The | 859-431-6226 | 5583 Taylor Mill Rd | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Kroger Pharmacy | 859-655-0720 | | Covington | KY | 41015 |
R & R Grocery & Deli | 859-431-5555 | 471 Elm Rd | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Schools Public & Parochial | 859-431-5987 | Grand & Howard | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Speedway Superamerica | 859-291-3599 | 3926 Winston Ave | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Speedy Food Mart | 859-356-6453 | 6001 Taylor Mill Rd | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Wentworth's Market | 859-431-0378 | 4456 Decoursey Ave | Covington | KY | 41015 |
Wentworth's Patsy Ann's | 859-431-6007 | 3433 Decoursey Ave | Covington | KY | 41015 |
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