Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Independence, KY 41051
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Independence KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arlinghaus Bldrs | 859-392-8902 | 10638 Kelsey Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Arlinghaus Bldrs | 859-356-1900 | 10513 Williamswood Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Aza Const Inc | 859-282-7314 | 760 Timber Ln | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Becker Roofg & Const Inc | 859-356-0502 | 1692 Shaw Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Bhcc Inc | 859-525-8399 | 473 Independence Station | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Celestial Bldg Corp | 859-356-4909 | 12545 Madison Pike | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Coppage Const Co Inc | 859-356-9221 | 11966 Taylor Mill Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Dixon Bldrs Llc | 859-363-3800 | 705 Stablewatch Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Drt Construction | 859-356-3182 | 1991 Walton Nicholson Pik | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Fischer Group the Fischer Homes | 859-746-8444 | 10318 Meadwgln Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Fischer Group the Fischer Homes | 859-356-4106 | 2743 Sycamore Creek Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
H B Home Builders | 859-647-1126 | 10338 Canberra Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
H B Home Builders | 859-363-8990 | 93 Nicole Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Hillcrest Const | 859-363-9300 | 1978 Paxton Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Loomis Interior Carpentry Inc | 859-356-7999 | 6464 Sugar Tree Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Mc2 Services Llc | 859-356-4405 | 11074 Graven Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Ryland Homes | 859-363-1484 | 2107 Golden Valley Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
T W Const Co | 859-363-9505 | 1300 Bramlage Rd | Independence | KY | 41051 |
Trademark Prop Inc | 859-282-7373 | 711 Stevies Trl | Independence | KY | 41051 |
W L Smith Construction Co | 859-356-5993 | 638 Skyway Dr | Independence | KY | 41051 |
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