Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Liquor Stores in Covington, KY 41011
* Each listing below of Liquor Stores Information for Covington KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
5th Street Liquor Store & Carry Out | 859-581-4036 | 433 Johnson St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Brown's House of Liquors | 859-261-5844 | 1201 Scott St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Deps Liquor Outlet | 859-261-1022 | 424 Russell St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Deters & Daughters Mkt & Liquors | 859-331-0200 | Madsn Park | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Dick's Wines & Liquors | 859-431-4988 | 402 Scott St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
End of Line Bevrge | 859-331-0212 | 1842 Ashwood Cir | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Gentleman Jim's Liquor & Tobacco | 859-581-8335 | 407 Main St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Liquor-Kwik | 859-431-5380 | 430 Bakewell St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
One Stop Liquors & Tobacco | 859-291-0240 | 10 Donnemeyer Dr | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Stadium Liquor Store | 859-431-1234 | 4 Main | Covington | KY | 41011 |
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