Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Erlanger, KY 41018
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Erlanger KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Colonial Cottage Inn Inc | 859-341-4498 | 3140 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Dixie Chili Inc | 859-727-2828 | 3716 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Dixie Club Cafe Inc | 859-727-9319 | 3424 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Double Dragon | 859-342-8613 | 514 Commonwealth Ave | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Finish Line | 859-342-7887 | 4351 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Frisch's Big Boy Restaurants | 859-342-6166 | 4016 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Long John Silver's Sea Food Shoppes | 859-341-3253 | 3163 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Margaritas Mexican Restrnt | 859-426-9792 | 3218 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
McDonald's | 859-341-8873 | 3050 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Peecox | 859-342-7000 | 635 Donaldson Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Roly Poly | 859-426-1934 | 3072 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Southern Kitchen | 859-342-5005 | 599 Donaldson Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 859-525-6650 | 794 Donaldson Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Taco Bell | 859-331-4265 | 3098 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
Waffle House | 859-342-6442 | 650 Donaldson Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
White Castle System Inc | 859-344-9772 | 3150 Dixie Hwy | Erlanger | KY | 41018 |
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