Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Covington, KY 41011
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Covington KY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aleikum Temple #96 | 859-431-9022 | 1212 Greenup St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Be Concerned | 859-291-6789 | 714 Washington St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Covington Comunty Cntr | 859-491-2220 | 1650 Russell St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Gardens Cntr | 859-261-3881 | 133 E 11th St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Housing Opportunities of N Ky | 859-581-4665 | 502 Fry St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Ky State of | 859-292-6600 | 20 E 7th St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Northern Kentucky Independent Dis | 859-431-1704 | Campbell County Heal | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Northern Kentucky Independent Dis | 859-431-3345 | Dressman Health Ctr | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Northern Ky Children's Home | 859-261-8768 | 200 Home Rd | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Northern Ky Comunty Action | 859-291-8607 | 912 Scott St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Northern Ky Comunty Action Comissn | 859-431-4557 | 632 Russell St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Point Employmt Serv | 859-491-9195 | 629 Washington St | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Supported Living of Northern Ky | 859-341-0231 | 1708 Highland Ave | Covington | KY | 41011 |
Women's Crisis Center | 859-491-3335 | 835 Madison Ave | Covington | KY | 41011 |
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