Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lawrence, MA 01841
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lawrence MA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assembly of God Church Spanish | 978-682-5422 | 14 Vine St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
Christian Fellowship Church of Merri | 978-683-4869 | 93 E Haverhill St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
Iglesia Cristana Methodista | 978-688-3648 | 45 Avon St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 978-794-3042 | 825 Essex St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
Judson Memorial Baptist Church | 978-689-0444 | 3 Green St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
Redeemer Lutheran Church Elca | 978-682-4215 | 163 E Haverhill St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
Spanish Free Methodist Church | 978-681-4714 | 774 Essex St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
Tabernaculo Deadoracion Y Musica | 978-682-8176 | 96 E Haverhill St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
Third Bapt Church | 978-683-9913 | 22 Warren St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
Universal Church | 978-557-1046 | 348 Jackson St | Lawrence | MA | 01841 |
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