Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Saugus, MA 01906
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Saugus MA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 781-231-0137 | 214 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Ballard Seafood & Steak Restaurant | 781-233-1108 | 128 Ballard St | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Bickford's Family | 781-233-3375 | 1093 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Border Cafe | 781-233-5308 | 819 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Boston Market | 781-231-1400 | 168 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Boston Restaurant Associates | 781-231-7575 | 999 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Burger King | 781-233-9626 | 1449 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Burger King Restaurant | 781-233-4190 | 720 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Chevys Fresh Mex Restaurant | 781-231-7640 | 1143 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Dakota Seafood | 781-231-7600 | 331 Main St | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Donatello's Restaurant | 781-233-9975 | 44 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Dragon Island II Restaurant | 781-231-3170 | 44 Hamilton St | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
East Manor of Boston | 781-233-6800 | 20 Frank Bennett Hwy | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Friendly Ice Cream Shop | 781-231-2738 | 777 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Fuddruckers Restaurant | 781-233-6399 | 900 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
G'vanni's | 781-941-2002 | 334 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Hammersmith Inn | 781-233-8089 | 330 Central St | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Jimmy's Steer House | 781-233-8600 | 114 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Kelly's Roast Beef | 781-233-5000 | 595 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 781-231-5748 | 421 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Lendy's Deli & Restaurant | 781-231-3180 | Marshalls T J Maxx S | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon | 781-233-6600 | 584 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
McDonald's | 781-231-7042 | 127 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
McDonald's | 781-233-8622 | 738 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
New East Manor | 781-231-8888 | 20 Bennett Ave | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Nico's | 781-233-5150 | 43 Jackson St | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Sake Japanese Restaurant | 781-233-3858 | 670 Broadway | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Spud's Restaurant & Pub | 781-233-2757 | 22 Lincoln Ave | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Tong Villa | 781-231-3838 | 335 Main St | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Tonino's Cucina Italiana | 781-231-2777 | 36 Hamilton St | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
Tumble Inn Restaurant | 781-233-8999 | 488 Lincoln Ave | Saugus | MA | 01906 |
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