Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Amherst, MA 01002
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Amherst MA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amherst Brewing Co | 413-253-4400 | 24 N Pleasant St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Bakus African Restaurant | 413-253-7202 | 197 N Pleasant St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Bistro 63 at the Monkey Bar & Grille | 413-259-1600 | 63 N Pleasant St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Crazy Noodles | 413-253-3287 | 36 Main St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Delano's | 413-253-5141 | 57 N Pleasant St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Delivery Express | 413-549-0077 | 150 Fearing St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Elijah Boltwood's Tavern | 413-253-2576 | 30 Boltwood Ave | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
English Pub The | 413-549-1200 | 15 E Pleasant St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Fresh Side | 413-256-0296 | 61 Main St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
House of Teriyaki | 413-549-3666 | 1177 N Pleasant St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Kelly's Restaurant | 413-253-9521 | 314 College St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Newman Center | 413-549-0401 | N Pleasant | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Panda East | 413-256-8923 | 103 N Pleasant St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Pasta E Basta | 413-256-3550 | 26 Main St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Rooster's Restaurant | 413-256-6888 | 138 Sunderland Rd | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Sub The | 413-549-5160 | 33 E Pleasant St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Subway Amherst Inc | 413-256-1919 | 4 Main St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Subway of South Amherst | 413-256-3148 | 468 West St | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Taste of India | 413-549-0626 | 17 Montague Rd | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Thai Corner | 413-253-1639 | 31 Boltwood Walk | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
Wings | 413-549-9464 | 55 University Dr | Amherst | MA | 01002 |
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