Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Malden, MA 02148
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Malden MA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baha'i Faith | 781-322-2662 | 68 High St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
Campus Crusade for Christ | 781-397-6205 | 376 Washington St Ste 204 | Malden | MA | 02148 |
Congregation Ezrath Israel | 781-322-7205 | 245 Bryant St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
Eglise Philadelphie | 781-397-9143 | 575 Main St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 781-322-6362 | 20 Hillside Ave | Malden | MA | 02148 |
First Baptist Church of Malden | 781-324-2745 | 493 Main St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
First Lutheran Church of Malden | 781-324-7133 | 62 Church St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
Forestdale Community Church | 781-321-1828 | 235 Forest St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
Haitian Chruch of the Nazarene | 781-322-3073 | 42 Lebanon St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
Malden Catholic Development Off | 781-322-1330 | 99 Crystal St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
Sacred Hearts C C D Ofc | 781-322-5211 | 31 Ferry St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
St Joseph's | 781-324-2444 | 790 Salem St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
St Pauls Parish | 781-324-9544 | 26 Washington St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
Young Israel of Malden Inc | 781-322-9438 | 45 Holyoke St | Malden | MA | 02148 |
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