Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Roxbury, MA 02118
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Roxbury MA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Boston Youth Organizing Project | 617-262-1895 | 485 Columbus Ave | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Christian Science Reading Rooms | 617-442-8448 | 33 Elm Hl | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Columbus Avenue Ame Zion Church | 617-266-2758 | 600 Columbus Ave | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Congregation Lion of Judah | 617-541-4455 | 68 Northampton St | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church | 617-262-7739 | 157 W Springfield St | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Emmanuel Gospel Center | 617-262-4567 | 2 San Juan St | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Grant Ame Church | 617-427-0117 | 1906 Washington St | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Holy Trinity Rectory | 617-426-6142 | 140 Shawmut Ave | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Mt Calvary Baptist Church | 617-247-1975 | 541 Massachusetts Ave | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
New Hope After School Center | 617-236-7125 | 740 Tremont St | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
New Testament Church of God | 617-265-6034 | 25 Stoughton St | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Nimatullahi Sufi Order | 617-536-0076 | 84 Pembroke St | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
People's Baptist Church | 617-427-0424 | 830 Tremont St | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
Peoples Baptist Church Computer Room | 617-427-1643 | 134 Camden St | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
The Electric Sign Maintenance Co | 617-536-9332 | 488 Harrison Ave | Roxbury | MA | 02118 |
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