Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fitchburg, MA 01420
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fitchburg MA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beth Eden Baptist Church | 978-345-4522 | 350 Ashburnham St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Emanuel Lutheran Church | 978-342-2877 | 384 Highland Ave | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Faith Christian Ministries | 978-342-8522 | 40 Boutelle St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Faith United Parish | 978-343-3307 | 820 Main St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
First Baptist Church | 978-345-5622 | 1400 John Fitch Hwy | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
First United Pentecostal Chu | 978-345-1383 | 482 Mechanic St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Highland Baptist Church | 978-342-9646 | 19 Cedar St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Hmong Christian Fellow Church | 978-342-1678 | 766 South St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Immaculate Conception Parish | 978-345-2491 | 59 Walnut St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Lutheran Church Emanuel | 978-345-1200 | 1200 John Fitch Hwy | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Messiah Ministries Admin Office | 978-343-3320 | 199 Milk St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Montachusett Council of Churches | 978-342-0432 | 199 Main St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
Salvation Army Corps & Community Cente | 978-342-3300 | 739 Water St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
St Francis of Assisi | 978-342-9651 | 63 Sheridan St | Fitchburg | MA | 01420 |
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