Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Annapolis, MD 21403
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Annapolis MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bay Ridge Christian Church | 410-263-2992 | 1071 Bay Ridge Rd | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Christ Is the Answer Deliverance Ctr | 410-268-1069 | 445 Fourth St | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Eastport United Methodist Churc | 410-263-5490 | 926 Bay Ridge Ave | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
First Baptist Church of Eastport | 410-268-7378 | 208 Chesapeake Ave | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Huffman Mark A G Rev | 410-263-4723 | 1120 Spa Rd | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Jesus Saves Family Ministry Church | 410-268-3314 | 923 Windsor Ave | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
John Wesley United Methodist Churc | 410-263-4125 | 2114 Bay Ridge Ave | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Lehman Joel Dan Rev | 410-216-7985 | 106 Carroll Dr | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Lighthouse Apostolic Church | 410-263-0685 | 616 Severn Ave | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Mt Moriah A M E Church | 410-263-8562 | 2204 Bay Ridge Ave | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Mt Olive Ame Church | 410-267-8810 | 410 Fox Hollow Ln | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Mt Zion United Methodist Churc | 410-268-5798 | 612 Second St | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
Van Buren Street Baptist Church | 410-268-2908 | 911 Van Buren St | Annapolis | MD | 21403 |
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