Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Glen Burnie, MD 21061
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Glen Burnie MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Science Societies Colum | 410-766-9390 | 101 1st Ave W | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Church of Christ of Glen Burnie | 410-761-3795 | 2 Eastern St | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 410-766-1979 | 409 5th Ave SE | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 410-766-4188 | Glen Burnie Chapel | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Community Church of God | 410-761-4906 | 306 5th Ave SE | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 410-760-7755 | 1015 Sundown Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Ferndale United Methodist | 410-761-2880 | 117 Ferndale Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
First Community Baptist Church | 410-760-6995 | 604 Oakwood Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Glen Burnie Baptist Church | 410-766-2588 | 7524 Old Stage Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Glen Burnie Evangelical Presbyterian Ch | 410-766-5363 | 710 Aquahart Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Glen Burnie Korean Presbyterian Ch | 410-760-0956 | 100 3rd Ave S | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Gloria Korean Presbyterian Ch | 410-766-1784 | 320 Oak Manor Dr | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Grammer Richard Rev | 410-761-1352 | 7823 Oakwood Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Harundale Presbyterian Church | 410-766-4338 | Eastway & Guilford R | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Holy Trinity Church | 410-766-1214 | 7436 Baltimore Annapolis | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Holy Trinity Church | 410-761-5273 | 126 Dorsey Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
John Wesley United Methodist Churc | 410-766-6981 | 6922 Ritchie Hwy | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
John Wesley United Methodist Churc | 410-590-0360 | 6924 Ritchie Hwy | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Joy Community Calvary Church | 410-760-3948 | 1412 Crain Hwy N Ste 4B | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Linthicum Baptist Church | 410-766-0204 | 611 S Camp Meade Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Linthicum Heights United Methodch | 410-850-4147 | 200 School Ln | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Living Stone Presbyterian Ch | 410-787-2171 | 900 Crain Hwy N | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer | 410-766-8778 | 7606 Quarterfield Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Marley United Methodist Church | 410-760-4720 | Marley Neck Rd & 2nd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Messiah United Methodist Churc | 410-761-1944 | Country Club Dr | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Metropolitan United Methodist Churc | 410-768-5443 | Queenstown Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
North Glen Baptist Church | 410-761-3169 | 508 W Furnace Branch Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Peace Lutheran Church | 410-766-3283 | 416 Wellham Ave | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Sparks Kelly S Rev | 410-761-4381 | 5 2nd Ave S | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
St Alban's Church | 410-766-1455 | 1st & A Sts SW | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
St Christopher's Linthicum | 410-859-5633 | 116 Marydell Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
St Mark's United Methodist Churc | 410-859-5352 | 1436 Dorsey Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
St Paul's Ev Lutheran Church & School | 410-766-2283 | 308 Oak Manor Dr | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Temple Baptist Church | 410-761-4309 | 15 Old Stage Rd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
The Way Christian Center | 410-761-7200 | 526 West Ct | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
Winkey Thaddeus Rev | 410-360-5003 | 907 Lauren Way | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061 |
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