Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Severn, MD 21144
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Severn MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arundel Christian Church | 410-969-8300 | 615 Donaldson Ave | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Chesapeake Baptist Church | 410-969-2055 | 600 Old Oak Rd | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Christian Church of Christ at New C | 410-969-0384 | 8132 New Cut Rd | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Delmont United Methodist Churc | 410-551-8114 | 1219 Delmont Rd | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Greater Morning Star 4 | 410-551-9000 | 138 Maryland Ave | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Heritage Community Church | 410-551-8500 | 8146 Quarterfield Rd | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Korean Methodist Church | 410-969-0181 | Donaldson Ave | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Korean Methodist Church of Love | 410-519-0691 | 1328 Donald Ave | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Living Hope Church | 410-519-7817 | 911 Reece Rd | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Severn Baptist Church | 410-551-6654 | Donald Avenue & Tele | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Severn United Methodist Church | 410-551-7969 | 1215 Old Camp Meade Rd | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Shepherd's House Christian Outre | 410-519-0280 | 73 Burns Crossing Rd | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Southwest Church of Christ | 410-969-1420 | 805 Meadow Rd | Severn | MD | 21144 |
Stone Judy Pastor | 410-551-7321 | 1217 Delmont Rd | Severn | MD | 21144 |
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