Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Baltimore, MD 21201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Baltimore MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldersgate United Methodist Churc | 410-235-0041 | Falls Rd & W 42D St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Ames Memorial Methodist Church Methodis | 410-669-9880 | Crey & Baker Sts | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Arlington United Methodist Churc | 410-542-3070 | 5268 Reistwn Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Baltimore Outreach Ministries | 410-362-0104 | 2120 Baltimore St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Basilica of the Assumption Fiel | 410-576-0966 | 408 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Brown-Oliver Mary | 410-323-6712 | Loch Raven Blvd & E | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Camp Farthest Out | 410-728-2200 | Lafayette & Madison | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Cathedral Church of the Incarnation | 410-467-3750 | E Univ Parkway St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Cherry Hill United Methodist Churc | 410-355-0022 | 3225 Round Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 410-732-5600 | Chase & Washington S | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Cooley's Anemia Foundation of M | 410-727-1831 | Maryland Avenue & Pr | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Disciples Bible Baptist Church | 410-523-3010 | 425 W Monument St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Edgemere Free Methodist Church | 410-477-8863 | 2518 S Marine Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Emmanuel Episcopal Church | 410-685-1130 | 811 Cathedral St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Enon Baptist Church | 410-728-1490 | Edmondsn Avenue & Sc | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
First and Franklin Street Presbyte | 410-728-5545 | 210 W Madison St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
First English Lutheran Church | 410-235-2356 | Charles & 39th Sts | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Garfield Donald L Rev | 410-539-1395 | 707 Park Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 410-252-2227 | 1804 Ridge Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Hampden Baptist Church | 410-467-3258 | 37th St & Roland Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Heart's Place Shelter | 410-366-7733 | Saint Paul & 27th St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Ch | 410-566-2926 | Edmondson Avenue & W | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Huntingdon Baptist Church | 410-889-6579 | 31st & Barclay Sts | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 410-435-6861 | Loch Raven Blvd & Be | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Immanuel United Methodist Churc | 410-355-0230 | Annabel Avenue & Fft | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Israel Baptist Church Community House | 410-276-9694 | Preston & Wasington | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Israel Baptist Church Outreach Center | 410-732-3496 | 1205 N Chester St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
League of the Little Flower | 410-547-5361 | 320 Cathedral St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Life Outreach Ministries | 410-528-1244 | 114 W Read St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Martini Lutheran Church | 410-752-7817 | Henrietta & Hanover | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Messiah Lutheran Church | 410-342-4543 | Potomc & Odonnll St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Metropolitan Community Church of Balti | 410-669-6222 | 405 W Monument St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Miracle Church of Christ | 410-466-3466 | 4800 Liberty Heights Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Mother Seton House on Paca Street | 410-523-3443 | 600 N Paca St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Mt Ararat Baptist Church | 410-462-9516 | Gwynns Falls Pkwy # & | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Mt Calvary Church | 410-728-6140 | 816 N Eutaw St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Mt Olive Freewill Baptist Church | 410-728-0514 | 290 N Fremont Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Mt Pisgah C M E Church | 410-728-6828 | Riggs & N Fulton Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 410-523-7778 | 850 Harlem Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
New Light Church Ministry of St | 410-327-9700 | 200 Highland Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
New Saint Mark Baptist Church | 410-367-9624 | 3905 Springdale Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Old Otterbein United Methodist Churc | 410-685-4703 | 112 W Conway St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Pennsylvania Avenue A M E Zion Church | 410-728-7416 | 1128 Pennsylvania Ave Rear | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Pilgrim Lutheran Church | 410-484-6692 | 3601 Latham Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Providence Inspirational B | 410-837-5546 | 850 Edmondson Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Randall Street Christian Churc | 410-837-6144 | Randall & Belt Sts | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Renewed Hope Family Worship Center | 410-523-4673 | 701 N Paca St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Riverside Baptist Church | 410-727-0822 | E Randall & Johnson St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Sacred Zion Full Gospel Baptist Church | 410-837-8400 | 20 W North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Saint James Lutheran Church | 410-922-3137 | 3801 Liberty Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Seventh Baptist Church | 410-837-3797 | Saint Paul St & N A | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Sisters of St Francis | 410-732-3171 | 2810 Edison Hwy | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Solid Rock Pentecostal Church Orst Dsc | 410-342-1310 | 1901 Belair Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
St John's Episcopal Church Mt Washi | 410-367-7287 | S Rd & Kelly Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
St John's of Hamilton United Methodis | 410-426-8177 | Harford Rd & Gibbons | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
St Lukes Evangelical Lutheran Church | 410-243-1391 | 36th St & Chestnut | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
St Paul the Apostle Church | 410-727-2895 | 859 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Strawbridge United Methodist Churc | 410-669-6262 | Park Avenue & Wilson | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
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