Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Baltimore, MD 21202
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Baltimore MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ark Missionary Baptist Church | 410-539-1591 | 1263 E North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Canaan Missionary Baptist Church | 410-727-8026 | 1108 E Preston St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Centennial Caroline Street United M | 410-276-3079 | 1029 E Monument St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Christ Institution Baptist Church | 410-752-7436 | 704 Ensor St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Community Church of Christ | 410-276-0032 | 1002 Somerset St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
First Charity Baptist Church | 410-732-0076 | 611 N Aisquith St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Fountain Baptist Church | 410-276-5920 | 1215 E Monument St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
German Language School | 410-727-3939 | 400 E Lexington St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Hallelujah Baptist Church | 410-783-1435 | 1133 Greenmount Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Jesus Christ Prayer of Deliverance | 410-727-8286 | 202 E Madison St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Lawrence Richard T Rev | 410-962-5078 | 120 N Front St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Mt Sinai Baptist Church | 410-837-2070 | 922 E Preston St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Mt Vernon Pl United Methodist | 410-685-5290 | 10 E Mount Vernon Pl | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Nazarene Baptist Church | 410-385-1996 | 1213 Harford Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Restoration Christian Ecclesia | 443-919-7330 | 1249 E North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Solid Rock Freewill Baptist Church | 410-783-2477 | 7 E North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
St John's Christian Community Churc | 410-727-9577 | 1208 E Lanvale St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
The House of God in Christ for | 410-576-9288 | 1327 N Central Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
The New Second Missionary Bapt | 410-752-8863 | 214 E Lanvale St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Urban Bible Fellowship Church | 410-276-3702 | 1225 E Eager St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
World Prayernet | 410-962-8998 | 110 E Madison St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
Zion Hill Baptist Church | 410-685-4766 | 931 E Preston St | Baltimore | MD | 21202 |
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