Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Baltimore, MD 21212
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Baltimore MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Church & Home | 410-323-9112 | 5300 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Antioch Memorial Baptist Church | 410-435-5452 | 5008 Ivanhoe Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Bountiful Blessings Worship Center | 410-464-0022 | 5011 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Brown Memorial Woodbrook Presb | 410-377-7232 | 6200 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Church of Christ | 410-377-5224 | 6915 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Church of the Nativity | 410-433-4811 | 419 Cedarcroft Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Church of the Redeemed of the Lord | 410-433-0426 | 4321 Old York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Church St Pius | 410-377-6662 | 6432 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Crawford Benjamin Rev | 410-433-5056 | 4301 Saint Georges Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Dennis Ralph L Elder | 410-377-3500 | 6419 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Gethsemane Bible Baptist Church | 410-433-3800 | 510 Harwood Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Govans Boundary Parish Umc | 410-435-1550 | 5210 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Govans Presbyterian Church | 410-435-9188 | 5826 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Greater Faith Christian Community Churc | 410-323-2955 | 4803 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Hillside Chapel Swedenborgian | 410-435-5418 | 901 Dartmouth Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Huber Memorial United Church of Chris | 410-323-9106 | 5701 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Lovely Lane United Methodist Churc | 410-323-2474 | 5413 Purlington Way | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Murphy Patricia Sister | 410-377-0355 | 6401 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
New Frontiers of Faith Baptist Church | 410-433-7553 | 1100 Beaumont Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Pleasant Hope Baptist Church | 410-435-0851 | 430 E Belvedere Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Ransom James C Rev | 410-377-5041 | 6310 Blackburn Ct | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Refuge Way of the Cross Church | 410-323-9027 | 4301 Old York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Shepherd's Heart Missionary Bapt | 410-323-4544 | 5405 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Sisters of Notre Dame Denamur | 410-433-1344 | 6103 Bellona Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
St Mary's Rectory | 410-435-5900 | 5502 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
St Pius X Church | 410-377-7440 | 6428 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Upon This Rock Church | 410-433-6022 | 4660 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Ushry Roselyn B Rev | 410-323-6440 | 4629 York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Wharton Joan L Rev Dr | 410-323-6944 | 5401 Lothian Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
Woodbrook Baptist Church Towson | 410-377-2350 | 25 Stevenson Ln | Baltimore | MD | 21212 |
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