Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Baltimore, MD 21216
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Baltimore MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Bible Study Church | 410-542-3010 | 2504 Garrison Blvd | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Augsburg Evangelical Lutheran Church | 410-542-6270 | 2610 Garrison Blvd | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Blood on the Door Assembly of Jes | 410-383-1511 | 2750 W North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Christian Love Baptist Church | 410-523-1708 | 1925 Dukeland St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Church of St Mary the Virgin | 410-383-1575 | 3121 Walbrook Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Church of the Holy Trinity | 410-945-0002 | 2300 W Lafayette Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Clemons Charlotte Rev | 410-367-8961 | 2601 Lyndhurst Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Community Baptist Church of Walbr | 410-947-4023 | 2311 Garrison Blvd | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Community Church of Chris | 410-367-2000 | 3803 W Forest Park Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Davis Memorial Ame Church | 410-664-0106 | 2409 Roslyn Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Dawkins B A Rev Study | 410-664-6454 | 3220 Garrison Blvd | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
First Abyssinia Baptist Church | 410-566-0011 | 2500 Arunah Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
First Corinthian Baptist Church | 410-367-0213 | 3512 Powhatan Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
First Mount Carmel Christian Commu | 410-728-4000 | 2900 W North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Forest Park Community Church | 410-664-7250 | 3114 Garrison Blvd | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Forest Park Reformed Presbyterian Ch | 410-542-7669 | 3805 Fairview Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Fourth Mt Zion Baptist Church | 410-669-9219 | 2504 N Hilton St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Gethsemane Ame Church | 410-947-3944 | 2624 Harlem Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
God Deliver Church of Love | 410-664-4848 | 3312 Ayrdale Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Gospel Tabernacle | 410-383-8100 | 3104 Walbrook Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Gospel Tabernacle Baptist Church | 410-728-9408 | 3100 Walbrook Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Greater New Hope Baptist Church | 410-669-4040 | 2720 W North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Hope Community Ministries Inc | 410-233-4903 | 719 Poplar Grove St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Imani School The | 410-233-0011 | 2651 W North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Jesus Saves Ministries Yesterday Today | 410-362-1911 | 1625 N Hilton St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
John Wesley United Methodist Churc | 410-383-1525 | 3202 W North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Lovely Hill Baptist Church | 410-728-2672 | 1654 N Smallwood St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Manifest Wonders Christian Cente | 410-466-6202 | 3303 Edgewood St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Miracle Deliverance Evanglistic Cen | 410-383-8762 | 3108 Walbrook Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Mount Moriah Baptist Church | 410-945-3575 | 2201 Garrison Blvd | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Mt Ararat Baptist Church | 410-383-9465 | 3008 Gwynns Falls Pkwy | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
New Bethel Bible Church | 410-947-6188 | 710 Poplar Grove St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
New Life Worship Center | 410-566-5857 | 2801 Belmont Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
New Mt Carmel Baptist Church | 410-669-7000 | 1907 Poplar Grove St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
New Zion Baptist Church Inc | 410-362-6254 | 819 N Dukeland St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Next Level Ministries | 410-566-8700 | 2200 Garrison Blvd Ste 101 | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Norton Maggie L Rev | 410-362-9031 | 3204 Presstman St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Pilgrim Temple | 410-947-4700 | 1807 Bloomingdale Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Rehoboth Church of God | 410-945-9732 | 700 Poplar Grove St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
St Mark's Institutional Baptist Church | 410-233-6566 | 655 N Bentalou St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
St Matthews Gospel Tabernacle | 410-728-2119 | 1907 N Rosedale St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
St Matthews Pentecostal Church Inc | 410-728-1106 | 3112 W North Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church | 410-383-9633 | 3200 Walbrook Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Union Memorial United Methodist Churc | 410-945-2723 | 2500 Harlem Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Wayland Baptist Church | 410-664-3707 | 3809 Fairview Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Wayland Baptist Church | 410-664-2774 | 3200 Garrison Blvd | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
White Stone Baptist Church | 410-947-1863 | 3005 Baker St | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
Wings of Victory Church | 410-566-8323 | 2661 Harlem Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21216 |
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