Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Baltimore, MD 21224
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Baltimore MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abbott Memorial Presbyterian Ch | 410-276-6207 | 3426 Bank St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
All Nations Christian Fellowship | 410-327-6006 | 1001 S Potomac St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Canton Baptist Church & Neighborhood Ce | 410-563-1177 | 3302 Toone St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Church of the Resurrection | 410-342-6670 | 2900 E Fayette St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Colgate Baptist Church | 410-282-1070 | 502 Fairview Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Deeper Life Bible Church | 410-342-2880 | 417 S Eaton St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Divine Baptist Church | 410-534-8965 | 2710 Pulaski Hwy | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
East Baltimore Church of God | 410-327-0177 | 800 Oldham St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Emmanuel English Evangelical Lut | 410-675-2753 | 3131 E Baltimore St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Ezekiel Baptist Church | 410-522-6603 | 201 N Luzerne Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Fair John Stephen Rev | 410-276-0393 | 3200 Dillon St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Greater Liberty Missionary Bapt | 410-522-2677 | 2401 E Fayette St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Greek Orthodox Community St Ni | 410-633-5020 | 520 Ponca St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Harbor Heights Baptist Church | 410-633-2195 | 1613 Charlotte Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church | 410-633-8967 | 5401 Eastern Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Nazareth Lutheran Church | 410-732-3125 | 3401 Bank St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Our Lady of Pompei Church | 410-276-6534 | 201 S Conkling St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Patterson Park Baptist Church | 410-675-8309 | 3115 Eastern Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Russian Orthodox Church of the Transfig | 410-732-1022 | 2201 Belt St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Salem United Methodist Church | 410-276-8460 | 3403 Gough St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Shekinah Glory Apostolic Templ | 443-874-7472 | 4115 E Lombard St | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Slavic Church of Christ | 410-732-5775 | 516 S East Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
St Matthews Holiness Church of the A | 410-631-7878 | 6205 Cardiff Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
St Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church | 410-288-0537 | 7834 Eastern Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
Zio Baptist Church of Christ | 443-216-2300 | 1717 Broening Hwy | Baltimore | MD | 21224 |
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