Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Baltimore, MD 21201
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Baltimore MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Cancer Society | 410-547-2522 | 636 W Lexington St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
American Heart Association Inc | 410-685-7074 | 415 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
American Legion Department Hdqt | 410-752-3104 | War Memorial Bg | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Baltimore City Medical Society | 410-625-0022 | 819 Park Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs | 410-727-2150 | World Trade Ctr | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Baltimore Metropolitan Pharmaceutical | 410-727-0746 | 650 W Lombard St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Correctional Industries Association | 410-230-3972 | 1202 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Disabled American Veterans Dept O | 410-539-1310 | War Memorial Bldg | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Golfers Charitable Foundation | 410-323-4244 | 14 E Quadrangle | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Jim Otradovec & Assoc | 410-539-3566 | 326 N Charles St Ste 202 | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center | 410-234-9885 | 220 W Lexington St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Maryland Medical Association | 410-539-0872 | 1211 Cathedral St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Mondawmin Merchants Associations | 410-523-0862 | 1200 Mondawmin Concourse | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
My Sister's Place | 410-727-3523 | 123 W Mulberry St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
National Duckpin Bowling Congres | 410-636-2695 | 4991 Fairview Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Ncia | 410-265-1490 | 722 Ambassador Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Paralyzed Veterans of America | 410-230-4470 | Fallon Fed Bldg | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Society for the Preservation of | 410-685-2886 | 24 W Saratoga St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Space Telescope Science Institute | 410-338-4700 | San Martin Dr | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
St Jude Shrine | 410-685-6026 | 308 N Paca St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
Terrace Garden Co-Op | 410-230-9399 | 751 W Saratoga St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
The Historic Charles Street Associat | 410-332-4144 | 312 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21201 |
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