Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Baltimore, MD 21218
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Baltimore MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angel Foundation | 410-467-0507 | 100 W 22nd St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Baltimore Neighborhoods Inc | 410-243-6007 | 2217 Saint Paul St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Baltimoreans United in Leadership Deve | 410-528-0305 | 2114 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Community Conferencing Center | 410-889-7400 | 2315 Saint Paul St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Family & Children's Services of Cen | 410-662-7373 | 2502 Saint Paul St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Franciscan Center | 410-467-5340 | 101 W 23rd St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Govans Economic Management | 410-433-3400 | 3921 Old York Rd | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Jumoke Incorporated | 410-366-9801 | 2313 Maryland Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Korean American Social Agency Inc | 410-625-0621 | 1910 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Manna House Inc | 410-889-3001 | 435 E 25th St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Marian House | 410-467-0675 | 949 Gorsuch Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Maryland Citizens' Health Initiive | 410-235-9000 | 2600 Saint Paul St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Prisoners Aid Association of | 410-662-0353 | 204 E 25th St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Students Sharing | 410-662-9959 | 2315 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
The Community Mediation Program | 410-516-1981 | 3333 Greenmount Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
The Family League of Baltimore | 410-662-5500 | 2700 N Charles St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Theraputic Living for Families | 410-366-1151 | 2522 Maryland Ave | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Volunteers for Medical Engineering | 410-243-7495 | 2301 Argonne Dr | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
Women's Housing Coalition | 410-235-5782 | 119 E 25th St | Baltimore | MD | 21218 |
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