Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Catonsville, MD 21228
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Catonsville MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Wills & Estate Firm | 410-744-3256 | 1002 Frederick Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Atr Property Management Co Inc | 410-788-7900 | 802 Ingleside Ave | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Beard Kevin L | 410-744-3225 | 611 Frederick Rd Ste 202 | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Beard Kevin L | 410-455-9592 | 4 Sweetgum Ct | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Buettner & Cooper Pa | 410-747-2800 | 908 Frederick Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Bushnell Robert E Atty | 410-747-2474 | 200 N Rolling Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Casanova Barry W Atty | 410-788-6200 | 1407 Woodbridge Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Greenwalt Robert B Atty | 410-747-7816 | 20 University Ave | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Harris John E SR Atty | 410-869-9100 | 757 Frederick Rd Ste 102 | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Horizon Title Corporation | 410-744-5800 | 38 Bloomsbury Ave | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Hornig Craig J | 410-788-9395 | 2 Dutton Ave | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Law Offices McFarland & Masters Llp | 410-788-2300 | 920 Frederick Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Law Offices of Scott F Dixon | 410-747-0096 | 401 Frederick Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Lawyer Lenaye L Dr MD Pa | 410-747-7242 | 618 Frederick Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Legal Clinic of Daniel M Zerivitz | 410-788-0133 | 1603 Edmondson Ave | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Lockhart Larry L Lwyr | 410-788-7922 | 757 Frederick Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Martel Richard I Atty | 410-788-6122 | 603 Hilton Ave | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Masters Kenneth H Atty | 410-788-9461 | 1809 Edmondson Ave | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
McFarland C Victor Atty | 410-747-8289 | 2109 Devere Ln | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
McRobie Henry L | 410-744-6400 | 715 Ingleside Ave | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Murphy & Murphy L L C | 410-744-4967 | 14 N Rolling Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
O'brien Eileen D | 410-747-0166 | 105 Hilton Ave | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
O'connell Thomas J Attorney at Law | 410-788-2444 | 300 Frederick Rd Ste 105 | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Shapiro & Luchs Pa & Block Pa Co | 410-744-5300 | 1602 Frederick Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
Tostanoski Gerry H Lwyr | 410-455-0970 | 312 Stonewall Rd | Catonsville | MD | 21228 |
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