Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Dundalk, MD 21222
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Dundalk MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church | 410-285-4129 | 7321 Manchester Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 410-284-2850 | 7041 Sollers Point Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Dundalk Presbyterian Church | 410-284-3250 | Stansbury Rd & Merri | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
First Baptist Church of Dundalk | 410-282-4256 | Dundalk & Helena St | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
First Baptist Church of Gray Manor | 410-288-0469 | 2705 Gray Manor Ter | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
First Lutheran Church of Gray Manor | 410-284-6657 | 212 Oakwood Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Fleming Shelton Rev Dd Pstr | 410-288-5664 | 651 Mount Olive Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Freedom Baptist Church | 410-282-7742 | 7001 German Hill Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 410-284-9603 | 307 N Avondale Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church | 410-282-5355 | 3103 Sollers Point Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Gospel Tabernacle Church | 410-285-3386 | 1 Ash Ave | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Graceland United Methodist Churc | 410-633-8799 | 6716 Youngstown Ave | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Greater St John's Baptist Church | 410-282-0088 | 209 Walnut Ave | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Inverness Presbyterian Church Pca | 410-282-3143 | 7909 Wise Ave | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Little Light Child Care | 410-282-1974 | 3483 Liberty Pkwy | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Merritt Park Baptist Church | 410-282-7023 | 1799 Merritt Blvd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
New Shiloh Baptist Church | 410-282-6299 | 105 East Ave | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
North Point Baptist Church Sbc | 410-477-4530 | 4201 N Point Blvd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
North Point Church of God | 410-477-1279 | 7501 Old Battle Grove Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Our Lady of Hope Church Religious Ed | 410-282-3120 | 1727 Lynch Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Pleasant Zion Baptist Church | 410-388-0585 | 4317 N Point Blvd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Remmey Bernard Rev SR | 410-388-2211 | 1906 Kelmore Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Salem Baptist Church Inc | 410-282-1920 | 49 Inverness Ave | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
St George's & St Matthew Episcop | 410-284-6242 | Dundalk Avenue & S C | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
St Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 410-633-5374 | 1803 Dundalk Ave | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
St Matthews Unitd Methodist Churc | 410-285-4466 | Main St & Avon Bch | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
St Rita Parish Rectory | 410-284-0388 | 2907 Dunleer Rd | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
St Timothy's Evangelical Lut | 410-284-6840 | Dundalk Avenue & Wil | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
Woolford Memorial Baptist Church | 410-284-8157 | 1710 Delvale Ave | Dundalk | MD | 21222 |
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