Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Manchester, MD 21102
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Manchester MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Barr Ira B Rev | 410-239-3640 | 3282 Charmil Dr | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
Dreams To Memories | 443-507-0509 | 3321 Main St | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
Durden Eric Rev | 410-374-8290 | 2937 Manchster Baptist Ch | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
Kirkridge Associate Reformed Presby | 410-374-6112 | 2236 Old Fort Schoolhouse | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
Lazarus United Church of Christ | 410-374-1304 | 5101 S Church St | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
Manchester Baptist Church | 410-239-3149 | 2933 Manchster Baptist Ch | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
Millers United Methodist Churc | 410-374-4042 | 3435 Warehime Rd | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
North Carroll Assembly of God | 410-374-2383 | 2695 Hanover Pike | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
Reilly Richard Rev | 410-239-8488 | 4250 Alesia Lineboro Rd | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
St Bartholomew's Catholic Church | 410-239-8881 | 3071 Park Ave | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
St Paul's Independent Church | 410-374-1875 | 5010 Saint Paul Rd | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
Trinity United Church of Christ | 410-374-2727 | 3229 York St | Manchester | MD | 21102 |
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