Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Waldorf, MD 20602
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Waldorf MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Baptist Church of Waldorf | 301-645-6265 | Saint Peters Church | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Christ Church | 301-638-7710 | 3413 Gough Dr | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Christ Covenant Church | 301-932-5539 | 2105 Essex Ct | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Christian Life Center First Bapt Chur | 301-638-5668 | Bunker Hill Rd | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Church of Christ at Waldorf | 301-843-8636 | Smallwood Village Sh | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Church of the Lord Disciples The | 301-870-9903 | 195 Smallwood Village Ct | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Covenant Point United Methodist Churc | 301-638-3604 | 169 Smallwood Village Ct | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Cross County Baptist Church | 301-705-7424 | 3822 Old Washington Rd | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
First Baptist Church of St Charles | 301-645-4060 | 136 Stoddert Ave | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Good Shepherd Kindergarten An | 301-843-6797 | 305 Smallwood Dr | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
House of Prayer Ministries The | 301-638-4871 | 136 Garner Ave | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Kiddie Kollege | 301-843-3887 | 4200 Old Washington Rd | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Kingdom Baptist Church | 301-645-8160 | 80 Industrial Park Dr | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Peace Lutheran Church | 301-843-1832 | 401 Smallwood Dr | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Progressive Church | 301-885-1660 | 1275 Bannister Cir | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Save the Seed Ministry | 301-893-1911 | 11100 Billingsley Rd | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Springs of Living Water Church of Resto | 301-843-9808 | 3436 Rockefeller Ct | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
St Paul's Episcopal Church | 301-870-7590 | 4535 Piney Church Rd | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
St Paul's Episcopal Church | 301-645-5000 | Piney Church Rd | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
Waldorf Free Will Baptist Church | 301-645-4931 | 4028 Old Washington Rd | Waldorf | MD | 20602 |
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