Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Dealers in Frederick, MD 21701
* Each listing below of Auto Dealers Information for Frederick MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Braddock Motors | 301-371-6200 | 6921 Urner Ave | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Fisher's Auto Sales | 301-695-8277 | 503 W South St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Fredericktowne Motors Inc | 301-695-1111 | 499 W Patrick St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Hertz Licensee Used Car Sales | 301-662-8893 | 524 W South St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Hertz Rent A Car Licensee | 301-662-2626 | 511 W South St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Honda Triangle Motors | 301-662-1067 | 1790 N Market St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Igoe Automotive | 301-624-5530 | 600 N Market St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Jenkins Motor Inc | 301-293-1414 | E 9th Sts | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Krietz Auto Repair Inc | 301-694-4642 | 400 N East St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Market Street Motors | 301-695-4800 | 635 N Market St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Motor World Inc | 301-663-0404 | 536 W South St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Seiss Auto | 301-682-7900 | 527 E Church St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
South Street Auto Sales | 301-662-2024 | 520 W South St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
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