Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Frederick, MD 21701
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Frederick MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints' Episcopal Church | 301-663-5625 | 106 E Church St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 301-662-1464 | 131 W 2nd St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Centennial Memorial United Methodis | 301-663-5273 | 8 W 2nd St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Chapel Evangelical Lutheran Church | 301-845-2332 | 10601 Daysville Rd | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 301-662-5170 | 199 North Pl | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Church of Jesus Christ Spanish | 301-695-9053 | 1811 Latham Dr | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Church of the Transfiguration | 301-371-7505 | 6909 Maryland Ave | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Downtown Community Church | 301-694-8435 | 431 Carrollton Dr | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Evangelical Lutheran Church | 301-663-5117 | 35 E Church St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Evangelical Reformed Church United C | 301-662-2762 | 15 W Church St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 301-662-3015 | 5 E 2nd St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Frederick Church of Christ | 301-662-5789 | 1305 N Market St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Frederick Friends Meeting | 301-631-1257 | 723 N Market St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Frederick Korean Baptist Church | 301-695-6446 | 55 Winchester St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Frederick Presbyterian Church USA | 301-663-5338 | 115 W 2nd St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Grace Trinity United Church of Chris | 301-662-2088 | 9501 Old Baltimore Rd | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Grace United Church of Christ | 301-662-3312 | 25 E 2nd St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Monocacy Valley Church | 301-865-9100 | 9861 Old National Park | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Mount Pleasant Reformed United Church O | 301-898-5668 | 9624 Liberty Rd | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Quin Chapel Christian Center | 301-668-9999 | 132 E 4th St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Quinn Chapel Ame Church | 301-663-1550 | 106 E 3rd St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox | 301-663-0663 | 920 W 7th St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
South End Baptist Church | 301-662-4347 | 506 Carrollton Dr | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
St John the Evangelist Roman Catholic | 301-662-4676 | 116 E 2nd St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
United Pres Church | 301-228-3779 | 111 W 2nd St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Unity Church in Frederick | 301-846-0868 | 1 W 9th St | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
Wayman African Methodist Episc | 301-898-7100 | 10111 Old Liberty Rd | Frederick | MD | 21701 |
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