Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbia, MD 21045
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbia MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bahai Faith | 410-730-6540 | PO Box 488 | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Calvary Community Church | 410-381-5200 | 7270 Cradlerock Way | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Christ Church Link | 410-309-9695 | 6800 Oakland Mills Rd | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 410-381-6329 | 7246 Cradlerock Way | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Columbia Church of God in Christ | 410-997-5675 | 5513 Twin Knolls Rd | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Columbia Community Church | 410-465-7040 | 8516 Thomas Williams Way | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Columbia International Christian Centr | 410-964-9956 | 8995 Lambskin Ln | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Columbia Union Conference Asso | 301-596-0800 | 5427 Twin Knolls Rd | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Cornerstone | 410-997-6001 | 6570 Dobbin Rd | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Eglise De Jesus Christ Full Gospel | 410-997-4400 | 9660 Basket Ring Rd | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
First Presbyterian Church | 410-730-3545 | 9325 Presbyterian Cir | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Grace Community Church | 410-992-5384 | 9180 Rumsey Rd | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Jewish Family Services | 410-730-4976 | 8950 State Route 108 Ste 115 | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Newhouse Marilyn Rev | 410-381-5706 | 7155 Talisman Ln | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Presbyterian Church U S A Foundation | 410-381-0689 | 7208 Lasting Light Way | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
St John Evangelical Lutheran Church | 410-799-8888 | 8220 Old Montgomery Rd | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
Upper Room Fellowship Center | 410-715-8948 | 9317 Afternoon Ln | Columbia | MD | 21045 |
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