Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Antiques in Kensington, MD 20895
* Each listing below of Antiques Information for Kensington MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acanthus Antiques | 301-530-9600 | 4132 Howard Ave Frnt | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Accent on Antiques | 301-946-4242 | 3758 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Antique Art Galleries | 301-946-2152 | 3760 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Antique Market | 301-949-2318 | 3762 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Antique Market I I | 301-933-4618 | 3750 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Antiques & Appraisals by Paul Feng | 301-942-0137 | 10419 Fawcett St | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Carolyn's Antiques & Jewlery | 301-946-7577 | 3734 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Chelsea & Co | 301-897-8886 | 4116 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Gonzales Antiques | 202-234-3336 | 4130 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Great British Pine Mine | 301-493-2565 | 4144 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Huret Antiques Llc | 301-530-7551 | 4106 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Jantiques | 301-942-0936 | 10429 Fawcett St | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Jill & Company Country Antiques | 301-946-7464 | 3744 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
La Belle Epoque | 301-530-1183 | 4088 Howard Ave Ste A | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Lgb Toy Trains Buy & Sell | 301-949-5656 | 3610 University Blvd W | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Lighting by Estates' Gallery Anques | 301-493-4013 | 4217 Howard Ave Frnt | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Marco Polo's Treasures | 301-530-3420 | 4263 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Onslow Square Antiques | 301-530-9393 | 4131 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Oriental Antiques by Susan Akins | 301-946-4609 | 3740 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Paris-Kensington | 301-897-4963 | 4128 Howard Ave Ste A | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Prevention of Blindness Antique Shop | 301-942-4707 | 3716 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Pritchard's | 301-942-1661 | 3748 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Shaffer Sally Interiors | 301-933-3750 | 3742 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Sparrows Inc | 301-530-0175 | 4115 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
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