Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Potomac, MD 20854
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Potomac MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethesda United Church of Christ | 301-365-5033 | Fellowship Hall | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church | 301-299-5120 | 10201 Democracy Blvd | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 301-340-0217 | Rockville Congregtn | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
Lutheran Church of the Cross | 301-762-7565 | 12801 Falls Rd | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
Potomac Presbyterian Church | 301-299-6007 | 10301 River Rd | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
Randall Frank J Rev | 301-299-5226 | 10902 Seven Locks Rd | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
Rockville Free Methodist Churc | 301-279-2233 | 1st & Grandin St | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
Saint Peter and Paul Antiochianorthd | 301-765-9188 | 10620 River Rd | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
Seven Locks Baptist Church | 301-279-9388 | 11845 Seven Locks Rd | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
St Francis Episcopal Church | 301-365-2055 | 10033 River Rd | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
St Luke Serbian Orthodox Church | 301-299-2704 | 10660 River Rd | Potomac | MD | 20854 |
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