Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Silver Spring, MD 20901
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Silver Spring MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baha'i Faith-Maryland | 301-495-8817 | 9401 Thornhill Rd | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Chamblin John D Rev | 301-593-3282 | 818 University Blvd W | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Christ Congregational Church Ucc | 301-585-8010 | 9525 Colesville Rd | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Church of Christ Silver Spring | 301-585-8727 | 100 E Franklin Ave | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 301-588-0650 | Washington DC Temple | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Friends Religious Society of | 301-445-1114 | Adelphi | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Good Shepherd Church of the Brethren | 301-946-6000 | Spruell & Ingersol D | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Iglesia Bautista Getsemani | 301-593-3759 | 801 University Blvd W | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Iglesia Restaracion Elim | 301-589-8995 | 8725 Flower Ave | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Knox Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 301-587-6637 | 410 Granville Dr | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Montgomery Korean Baptist Church | 301-871-7228 | 4205 Aspen Hill Rd | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
Mount Jezreel Baptist Church | 301-431-2800 | 420 University Blvd W | Silver Spring | MD | 20901 |
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