Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Kensington, MD 20895
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Kensington MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpha-Omega Ins Agcy | 301-933-8333 | 10335 Kensington Pkwy | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Atlantic Office Suites | 301-564-9100 | Concord St | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Flaherty Group Inc | 301-946-3900 | 10410 Kensington Pkwy | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Long & Foster Institute of Real Slvr Sp | 301-949-7070 | 11307 Georgia Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Marydale Realty Management Inc | 301-946-5590 | 3717 Decatur Ave Ste 2 | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Menkis Real Estate | 301-946-4050 | 3730 Howard Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Montgomery Century Condominiums | 301-946-1504 | 3141 University Blvd W | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Morgan Real Estate | 301-949-6464 | 10400 Connecticut Ave Ste 311 | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Realty Investments Corp of America | 301-933-1551 | 3702 Perry Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Schlesinger G A Company Rl Est | 301-949-2130 | Citizens Savings Bg | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Spiegel Sidney Real Estate | 301-946-3000 | 2401 Dna | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Thorne Consultants Inc | 301-231-4700 | 10605 Concord St Ste 420 | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
United Investors Management Corp | 301-897-0800 | 10509 Summit Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
Wellington Knolls Real Estate | 301-897-5363 | 4110 Knowles Ave | Kensington | MD | 20895 |
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