Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Beltsville, MD 20705
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Beltsville MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church | 301-937-7646 | 11310 Montgomery Rd | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
Calvery Alliance Church | 301-595-4393 | 12020 Old Gunpowder Rd | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
Eternal Sacred Order of the Morg Str & | 301-931-1930 | 4811 Prince Georges Ave | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
First Baptist Church of Beltsville | 301-937-7771 | 4700 Odell Rd | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
Holy Apostles Orthodox Church | 301-931-3400 | 10760 Baltimore Ave | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
International Christian Fellowship | 301-931-8900 | 10411 47th Ave | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
International Family Church | 301-595-3255 | 11384 Cherry Hill Rd | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
Mision Cristiana | 301-498-1200 | 12500 Old Gunpowder Rd | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
Reaching Hearts International | 301-931-8432 | 11212 Cherry Hill Rd | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
St Gregory Byzantine Catholic Church | 301-953-9323 | 12420 Old Gunpowder Rd | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
St John's Episcopal Church | 301-937-4292 | 11040 Baltimore Ave | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
St Joseph's Church | 301-937-7183 | 11007 Montgomery Rd | Beltsville | MD | 20705 |
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