Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hyattsville, MD 20781
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hyattsville MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Memorial Baptist Church | 301-864-4055 | 4900 Edmonston Rd | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
Celestial Church of Christ Castle O | 301-699-0007 | 3355 52nd Ave | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
Celestial Church of Christ Luli Par | 301-772-2554 | 5801 Arbor St | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
Christ Apostolic Church of America | 301-864-4788 | 4909 Edmonston Rd | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
Emmanuel Covenant Church | 301-927-5620 | 5340 Baltimore Ave | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
First Baptist Church of Hyattsville | 301-927-0545 | 5701 42nd Ave | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
Friendship Aoh Church of God | 301-779-6900 | 5421 Decatur St | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
Harris A F Elder | 301-277-5559 | 4301 Gallatin St | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
Hope Lutheran Church | 301-927-5508 | 4201 Guilford Dr | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
Jericho Baptist Church | 301-333-0856 | 8601 Spectrum Dr | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
St Matthew S Episcopal Church | 301-559-8686 | 36th Avenue & Nichol | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
The Church of God of Prophecy | 301-927-1190 | 4201 Farragut St | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
Webster Ministries Inc | 301-341-1599 | 9110 Taylor St | Hyattsville | MD | 20781 |
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