Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Fire Departments in Hagerstown, MD 21740
* Each listing below of Fire Departments Information for Hagerstown MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allen Fire Co | 240-420-6236 | 817 Summit Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Allsafe Fire Trucks Inc | 301-797-1410 | 19932 Beaver Creek Rd | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Antietam Fire Co | 301-733-3334 | 113 Summit Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
First Hose Fire Co | 301-733-3339 | 33 S Potomac St | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Funkstown Fire Co | 301-790-0104 | Social Hall | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Hagerstown Fire Department | 301-790-2476 | 25 W Church St | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Hagerstown Fire Department | 301-733-0103 | 940 Bowman Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Hagerstown Fire Police | 301-791-4561 | 309 Valley Rd | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Halfway Fire Co | 301-582-2888 | 17421 Lexington Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Halfway Self Storage | 301-582-4646 | 17314 Virginia Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Independent Junior Fire Co | 301-733-3335 | 100 Eastern Blvd N | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
State Fire Marshall | 301-791-4758 | 33 W Washington St | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
West Potomac Fire & Rescue Equipmen | 301-739-2929 | 11906 Wheatfield Dr | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Western Enterprise Fire Co | 301-733-3336 | 526 Washington Sq | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
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